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mickey_cleon 5/6/19
karenaj4341 3/9/17 ;-)
kayleigh 10/24/16 Let me watch trailor
sexyethel 6/18/13 hi
djsacrosanct 6/15/13 :cool
j-walker211 6/15/13 good movie, based on true events, good fathers day movie
silkyj 6/14/13 ......(3.....;),,,,
deekster 6/14/13 Hook me up with badge, I liked this movie, saw it 1st week it came out
fearsome_fog_1980 6/14/13 Cool
jwmoore1982 6/11/13 good movie
justordinary512 6/9/13 good movie
xparty69manx 6/7/13 sending love to a sweet friend (3
pooh.xbear.x 6/7/13 love to liz te amo baby;)
pretty9irlrock-0 6/6/13 The rock :*:b;):x:*
arkhillybilly 6/6/13 awesome

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