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1-15 of 28

4evertrue 10/9/14 yumm omg
blue_moon_angell 7/4/14 VERY YUMMY :P
mahal84 4/22/14 Wow
sin.cara 4/10/14 like
mrfrogface 5/12/13 ok
jdf1c2a 4/25/13 A Drink to coat my Stomach.
mochama 4/18/13 My son (3 the berry!
thugluv1on1 4/15/13 3good im loving it
thugluv1on1 4/15/13 3good im loving it
corazondekristal231 4/8/13 Para ahora con el calorsito mmmmmm
marina_1972 3/30/13 :pmango&pineapple:p
mrbrown_2_u 3/23/13 Delicious!!! 3/23/13 WILD BERRY YUUUUMY
x_toyman69_x 3/23/13 ;ooks good i am craving micky Dees!
psdb206 3/22/13 whats the name of dis smoove

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